The British online and land gambling group Betfred has followed up on its launch of a Playtech-powered mobile casino recently (see previous InfoPowa reports) with a new in-house sportsbook.

The launch follows 18 months of work by the company’s 25- strong development team based at Manchester’s Sharp Project.

“It’s an exciting time for all of us but, most important, our customers will see a real difference,” said Betfred spokesman Andrew Daniels.

“Having our own platform will enable us to develop new products in-house and have the best mobile product in the market. We will no longer be reliant on a third party meaning we can drive the product and give customers what they want.

Betting through mobiles is only going to get bigger and already accounts for 50 percent of our online business.”

The mobile platform includes apps for Betfred’s popular Goals Galore fixed-odds football coupon as well as lotto and virtual sports also developed at the Sharp Project.