The Athens-based games developer AbZorba Games is enjoying success with its Hub of Fun mobile social casino product, which this week reached the key milestone of 1 million app installations.

Available on Android and iOS devices, AbZorba’€™s suite of free-play live multiplayer casino titles includes BlackJack, Roulette and Poker, with Slots scheduled for launch in January 2013.

Company CEO Andrew Hughes said Wednesday: ‘€œWe are proud to achieve this significant milestone of 1 million game installations for our mobile casino titles, especially as we have grown entirely organically. All our games are in a live multiplayer format with social features such as cocktail bars, fun avatar builders and chat which naturally entertains gamers who, in turn, invite their friends.’€

AbZorba, also offers its proprietary AGON gaming platform as a white label, branded distribution solution for partners seeking a scalable games platform to rapidly deploy branded mobile casino games. The name AGON is derived from the ancient Greek for ‘€˜contest’€™ or ‘€˜competition’€™, which is very much the cornerstone of the platform.