The Swedish specialist mobile gambling technology provider Mobenga has announced the achievement of an exclusive deal with new AAMS-licensed Italian mobile operator

A bespoke mobile gambling site has been set up in conjunction with Italy’s “3” network that includes betting and sports content backed by a full administration service.

Christian Rajter, Mobenga CEO, says that the partnership with “3” will enable Atlantisbet to access a potential market of 14 million mobile users.

“This is a very exciting project and we are very happy to provide mobile services to Atlantisbet. It has been a very positive experience integrating and working with 3 and we have gotten the opportunity to create some very exciting functions for Atlantisbet such as that all Italian 3 subscribers surf for free when using the application!” he said.

Founded in 2006, the company is associated with Atlantis World Giocolegale Ltd, and is working with leading companies like Betplus.